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Nutrition & Food Safety

Is Your Food Made in a Gluten-Free Kitchen?

Our gluten-free meals are just one of our five menu offerings. Therefore, we cannot have a certified gluten-free kitchen and our meals are made with equipment that comes in contact with gluten. You can rest assured that we work hard to maintain a cle

What if I have an allergy to ingredients?

If you have an allergy to a specific ingredient, we do recommend clicking on the meal to see the full list of ingredients to ensure the meal does not contain your ingredient allergy. We do not substitute or replace ingredients and do recommend not se

How are your vegan meals prepared?

Our vegan meals are prepared by a vegan chef separately from our regular meals to avoid cross contamination.

How Much Sodium Are In The Meals?

Our sodium content in each meal varies since our meals are portion controlled. This includes the sodium found in the seasonings used. Please note that the Keto and Vegan meal plans will have higher sodium levels than the other plans we offer.